Foram 26 dias de viagem, uma boa parte pelo continente, onde dirigi 2.500 quilômetros .Roteiro: Atenas, Corintos, Micenas, Epidaurus, Iria, Nafplio, Cosmas, Gythio, Monemvasia, Sparta, Mistras, Kalamata, Olímpia, Pátras, Delfos, Arachova, Meteora, Igoumenitsa, ilha de Corfu, Preveza e Pireus.
Os últimos 10 dias pelas ilhas Mykonos, Delos, Santorini e Rhodes.
Vi um país em reconstrução com investimentos na restauração de suas riquezas históricas e na moderna infra-estrutura de estradas, aeroportos e portos.
Conheci um povo unido, receptivo, cooperativo e simpático que nos recebeu bem com muito profissionalismo e gentileza.
Ouvi e curti uma música mágica que embala e encanta.
Vi e apreciei uma natureza bonita e rica onde as oliveiras se destacam.
Aprendi com sua historia, monumentos, acrópoles, museus, monastérios, onde identifiquei um pedaço de mim e de cada um de nós.
Andar por onde Sócrates, Platão, Aristóteles, Diógenes e Pedro andaram e sentir suas presenças é de arrepiar.
Vivenciar e estar no palco de conquistas e guerras que moldaram nossa civilização por séculos, onde a grandeza do ser humano chegou ao Divino e suas fraquezas ao egoísmo, mentiras, saques e destruição foi uma oportunidade de reflexão, expansão da consciência e humildade.
A Grécia foi palco de dramas e comedias no teatro vivo que nos deu. Deixei uma parte de mim lá, trouxe coisas novas em minha alma.
O clima ameno em fim de uma primavera florida, os dias lindos emoldurados pelo azul celestial que só o céu da Grécia têm, o azul marinho e translúcido que só o mar grego oferece, me proporcionaram um mergulho em momentos sagrados de auto-conhecimento.
Nadei muito e curti praias paradisíacas como a de Stegma em Rhodes.
Entender o meu mundo ao conhecer um novo foi um reencontro comigo.
A Grécia é hoje uma economia globalizada, faz parte da comunidade européia e tem o euro como sua moeda.
A crise financeira do mundo e o agravamento do contexto europeu se refletiram lá, mas as medidas duras de ajuste de contas internas já fizeram com que a Grécia esteja no rumo certo.
Se a Alemanha já tivesse sido solidária mais cedo o custo e os sustos seriam menores para a Grécia e para o mundo.
A Grécia não é problema, a Grécia é solução.
A Grécia é o 18º país em qualidade de vida com seu 0,942 de IDH (índice de desenvolvimento humano), tem uma renda per capita de mais de U$$ 37 mil com excelente distribuição de renda. Seu território é de 131.957 km² com uma população de 11,26 milhões de habitantes.
Na Grécia não vi pobreza, crise social, insegurança e todas as cidades, mesmo as pequenas, têm excelente infra-estrutura.
A Republica Helênica se consolidou como uma nação próspera e moderna tendo seus valores, língua e tradição religiosa na igreja ortodoxa bem características.
A Grécia é internacional e o inglês a segunda língua. Sente-se no dia-a-dia um povo que faz do trabalho uma tarefa prazerosa e alegre.
Bons serviços nos hotéis, restaurantes e serviços de transporte e museus é a regra geral.
A Grécia preza a paz, a harmonia e a união que conquistou sem se esquecer que no século XX, durante a II Guerra Mundial, foi ocupada pela Itália, Alemanha e Bulgária, que sofreu com uma guerra civil entre 1946 e 1949 e passou por uma ditadura militar de 1967 a 1974.
A Grécia é um país de primeiro mundo e uma escola para todos os países, onde a base da sociedade é a família.
Esta viagem foi planejada por meu amigo de Florianopolis, Alceu, pois sua esposa Maria, neta de gregos da ilha de Kastelorizo iria lá completar seus 60 anos. Entrei de carona e com minha esposa Silvia e uma outra amiga Sandra fizemos um grupo de cinco. Fomos conhecidos, voltamos amigos, mas este é um assunto para outro texto.
The Greece I saw
There were 26 days of travel, mostly in the continent, where I drove 2500 km. Screenplay: Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Iria, Nafplio, Cosmas, Gythio, Monemvasia, Sparta, Mystras, Kalamata, Olympia, Patras, Delphi, Arachova , Meteora, Igoumenitsa, the island of Corfu, Preveza and Piraeus.
The last 10 days the islands Mykonos, Delos, Santorini and Rhodes.
I saw a country under reconstruction with investments in the restoration of its richness in history and the modern infrastructure of roads, airports and ports.
I met a united , receptive, cooperative and friendly people that welcomed us with professionalism and kindness.
I listened and enjoyed a magical music that soothes and enchant.
I saw and enjoyed a beautiful and rich nature where olive trees stand out.
I Learned from its history, monuments, acropolis, museums, monasteries, where I identified a piece of me and each of us.
To be in Epidaurus, in an arena theater to an audience of 12 thousand people, built 27 centuries ago and experiencing its acoustics to recite a poem, and watch demonstrations of artistic tourists from around the world was an indescribable emotion.
To walk where Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes and Peter walked and feel their presence is chilling.
Experience being on stage of conquests and wars that have shaped our civilization for centuries, where the greatness of people came to the Divine and weaknesses to selfishness, lying, looting and destruction was an opportunity for reflection, expansion of consciousness and humility.
Greece staged dramas and comedies in live theater that were left to us. I left a part of me there, brought something new in my soul.
The mild weather in late spring , florid, beautiful days framed by the azure blue of the sky that only Greece has the translucent blue sea and the sea which only offers Greek, gave me a dip in sacred moments of self-knowledge.
I swam a lot and enjoyed beautiful beaches such as Stegma in Rhodes.
To understand my world to get in touch with a new one was a good experience to me.
Greece is now a globalized economy, is part of the European community and has the euro as their currency.
The world financial crisis and the worsening of the European context is reflected there, but the harsh measures of internal settling of accounts has meant that Greece is on the right path.
If Germany had already been supportive earlier the cost would be lower for Greece and the world.
Greece is not a problem, Greece is the solution.
Greece is the 18th country in quality of life with his 0.942 HDI (human development index), has a per capita income of more than U.S. $ 37 000 with excellent distribution. Its territory is 131,957 km ² with a population of 11.26 million inhabitants.
Greece did not see poverty, social crisis, insecurity and all the cities, even small ones, have excellent infrastructure.
The Hellenic Republic has established itself as a modern and prosperous nation and its values, language and tradition in the Orthodox church and religious characteristics.
Greece's international and English is the second language. It´s people make the work a pleasant and joyful task.
Good service in hotels, restaurants and transportation services and museums is the general rule.
Greece welcomes the peace, harmony and unity that won without forgetting that in the twentieth century, during World War II, was occupied by Italy, Germany and Bulgaria, which suffered a civil war between 1946 and 1949 and went through a dictatorship military from 1967 to 1974.
Greece is a first world country and a school for all countries, where the base of society is the family.
This trip was planned by my friend from Florianopolis, Alceu, because his wife Mary, granddaughter of a Greek from the island of Kastelorizo would complete his 60 years there. I went with my wife Silvia and a other friend Sandra, we were in a group of five.
We made acquaintances, but this is a topic for another text.
There were 26 days of travel, mostly in the continent, where I drove 2500 km. Screenplay: Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus, Iria, Nafplio, Cosmas, Gythio, Monemvasia, Sparta, Mystras, Kalamata, Olympia, Patras, Delphi, Arachova , Meteora, Igoumenitsa, the island of Corfu, Preveza and Piraeus.
The last 10 days the islands Mykonos, Delos, Santorini and Rhodes.
I saw a country under reconstruction with investments in the restoration of its richness in history and the modern infrastructure of roads, airports and ports.
I met a united , receptive, cooperative and friendly people that welcomed us with professionalism and kindness.
I listened and enjoyed a magical music that soothes and enchant.
I saw and enjoyed a beautiful and rich nature where olive trees stand out.
I Learned from its history, monuments, acropolis, museums, monasteries, where I identified a piece of me and each of us.
To be in Epidaurus, in an arena theater to an audience of 12 thousand people, built 27 centuries ago and experiencing its acoustics to recite a poem, and watch demonstrations of artistic tourists from around the world was an indescribable emotion.
To walk where Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes and Peter walked and feel their presence is chilling.
Experience being on stage of conquests and wars that have shaped our civilization for centuries, where the greatness of people came to the Divine and weaknesses to selfishness, lying, looting and destruction was an opportunity for reflection, expansion of consciousness and humility.
Greece staged dramas and comedies in live theater that were left to us. I left a part of me there, brought something new in my soul.
The mild weather in late spring , florid, beautiful days framed by the azure blue of the sky that only Greece has the translucent blue sea and the sea which only offers Greek, gave me a dip in sacred moments of self-knowledge.
I swam a lot and enjoyed beautiful beaches such as Stegma in Rhodes.
To understand my world to get in touch with a new one was a good experience to me.
Greece is now a globalized economy, is part of the European community and has the euro as their currency.
The world financial crisis and the worsening of the European context is reflected there, but the harsh measures of internal settling of accounts has meant that Greece is on the right path.
If Germany had already been supportive earlier the cost would be lower for Greece and the world.
Greece is not a problem, Greece is the solution.
Greece is the 18th country in quality of life with his 0.942 HDI (human development index), has a per capita income of more than U.S. $ 37 000 with excellent distribution. Its territory is 131,957 km ² with a population of 11.26 million inhabitants.
Greece did not see poverty, social crisis, insecurity and all the cities, even small ones, have excellent infrastructure.
The Hellenic Republic has established itself as a modern and prosperous nation and its values, language and tradition in the Orthodox church and religious characteristics.
Greece's international and English is the second language. It´s people make the work a pleasant and joyful task.
Good service in hotels, restaurants and transportation services and museums is the general rule.
Greece welcomes the peace, harmony and unity that won without forgetting that in the twentieth century, during World War II, was occupied by Italy, Germany and Bulgaria, which suffered a civil war between 1946 and 1949 and went through a dictatorship military from 1967 to 1974.
Greece is a first world country and a school for all countries, where the base of society is the family.
This trip was planned by my friend from Florianopolis, Alceu, because his wife Mary, granddaughter of a Greek from the island of Kastelorizo would complete his 60 years there. I went with my wife Silvia and a other friend Sandra, we were in a group of five.
We made acquaintances, but this is a topic for another text.